Updated April 14, 2020
For information on Economic Impact Payments from the IRS go to:
IRS Covid 19 Payments
When will I get my check/payment?
Distribution of the Economic Impact (stimulus) Payments (EIP) will begin possibly within a week or so.
How will I get my check/payment?
The majority of payments will be distributed automatically, with no action required for most people at this time.
- For people who have filed their 2018 or 2019 tax return: IRS will use the information on returns to calculate the amount of EIP. Current information provided on the tax return (bank account information, current benefit card account number, and address) will be used to make payment into the same account reflected on the return by direct deposit or to the current benefit card. Taxpayers are encouraged to file their tax returns as quickly as possible, including direct deposit information.
- For non-taxpayers receiving benefits: Senior citizens, Social Security recipients and railroad retirees who received SSA-1099 or Form RRB-1099 will also receive automatic payments.
- For people that IRS does not have direct deposit information: The Treasury plans to develop an online portal for individuals to provide their banking account information to the IRS, so that an electronic payment may be processed instead of a paper check.
- For people receiving a paper check: Check payments will be processed to individuals with no electronic banking information on file with the United States Treasury. The IRS will provide a request form for completion to provide necessary information for a check to be issued.
How will I know when I receive EIP?
IRS will send taxpayer post-payment notice, usually within 14 – 15 days. Enroll in mobile or online banking to review current account information.
How come my payment isn’t what I expected to receive?
The payments are not blocked from the Treasury Offset Program debt collection service for outstanding child support payments. Any deduction intercepted from the Treasury Offset Program will be included in the payment notice. Customers are advised to contact the department issuing the block on the payment notice with questions regarding debt collection.
This is a daily changing subject and we will keep you posted as updates are provided.